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  • 德国百年钢琴品牌
  • 始创于1840年,历经170余年
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哈罗德特约钢琴家-本.克鲁奇利 (Ben Cruchley)巡回演出

时间:2019-06-11 来源:哈罗德

德国哈罗德钢琴最早出现在1840年,这架钢琴是由哈罗德鲍尔的父亲罗伯特鲍尔亲手制作。而真正开始定制德国哈罗德钢琴是在19世纪末,由伟大的钢琴制造家W. Danemann于1893年为哈罗德鲍尔专门设计并制作,钢琴品牌以Harrods命名。

1931年,哈罗德在德国多塞多夫成立自己的工厂,开始生产德国哈罗德钢琴。他的理想是让他所制造的钢琴不仅能满足皇室、贵族和专业人士的需求,更能让富有教养的中产阶级感到通向音乐殿堂的道路并非遥不可及 ...

The German Harold piano first appeared in 1840. It was made by Harold Bauer's father, Robert Bauer. The German Harrod piano was really customized at the end of the 19th century. It was specially designed and produced by the great piano maker W. Danemann for Harrod Bauer in 1893. The piano brand was named after Harrods.

In 1931, Harold set up his own factory in Dosseldorf, Germany, and began to produce Harold piano in Germany. His ideal is to make the piano not only meet the needs of royalty, nobility and professionals, but also make the educated middle class feel that the road to the music palace is not remote.

德国哈罗德钢琴特约钢琴家-本.克鲁奇利 (Ben Cruchley)巡回演出

German HARRODSER Pianist Ben Cruchley Tours


多伦多出生的钢琴家本·克鲁克利因其“超凡魅力”、“非常个人化”和“总是扣人心弦”的演奏而受到媒体的称赞,最近在德国举行的国际电信贝多芬比赛中获得了二等奖。不久之后,他在挪威的国际格里格大赛上获得了三等奖和格里格主要作品的最佳诠释奖。他曾出现在维也纳的穆西克维林(Brahms Saal)、罗伊汤普森大厅(Roy Thompson Hall)、多伦多的理查德·布拉德肖·安皮瑟(Richard Bradshaw Ampithatre)和挪威的特罗德塞伦(Troldsalen)等著名大厅。最近出现的管弦乐队包括贝多芬波恩管弦乐队、爱沙尼亚的纳瓦交响乐团和卑尔根爱乐乐团。他在蒙特利尔和当泰的儿子一起集中学习,随后在罗马的圣塞西利亚的纳齐奥纳学院和贝内代托·卢波一起学习。




Acclaimed by the press for his “charismatic”, “very individual” and “always gripping” playing, Toronto-born pianist Ben Cruchley was recently awarded Second Prize at the International Telekom Beethoven Competition in Germany. Shortly afterwards, he received Third Prize and the prize for the Best Interpretation of a Major Work of Grieg at the International Grieg Competition in Norway. He has appeared in prestigious halls such as the Musikverein in Vienna (Brahms-Saal), Roy Thompson Hall and the Richard Bradshaw Ampitheatre in Toronto, and the Troldsalen in Norway. Recent orchestral appearances include the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn, the Narva Symphony Orchestra in Estonia, and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. He studied intensively with Dang Thai Son in Montreal and subsequently with Benedetto Lupo at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. 


Ben is distinguished for the breadth of his musical experience. As a chamber musician, he has collaborated with members of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, the orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, and the Canadian Opera Company. He has considerable experience as an interpreter of contemporary music, including a long-standing engagement with the Ensemble Novecento in Rome. In addition to engagements as an improviser and orchestral arranger, he worked on many occasions as assistant conductor and repetiteur for Toronto-based Opera Atelier. He attained proficiency on the cello, and, many years ago, even had a fine soprano voice.



      钢琴家本·克鲁奇利 1986 年 4 月 21 日出生于加拿大多伦多,毕业于意大利圣塞西莉亚学院及加 拿大蒙特利尔大学, 因为他的“极具特色”,“魅力十足”和“永远令人兴奋”的演出而受到世 界观众的热烈追捧。

       在他的钢琴生涯中,他揽获各项国际钢琴赛事奖项。如 2012 年加拿大多伦多钢琴节比赛第一名, 2014 年蒙特利尔钢琴比赛第二名,2015 年德国波恩的贝多芬国际钢琴比赛第一名,以及在 2016 年格里格国际钢琴比赛中荣获特别奖。

       他的演出遍布世界各地,是众多世界著名音乐大厅的演出嘉宾,经常是一票难求。比如柏林爱乐 乐团音乐厅,柏林音乐厅,维也纳金色大厅,维也纳国家大剧院,罗马音乐厅,多伦多音乐厅等。 同时他是众多国际著名交响乐团的常驻钢琴独奏家,和他合作的交响乐团有柏林爱乐乐团,多伦 多交响乐团,加拿大歌剧院交响乐团,爱沙尼亚与纳尔瓦爱乐乐团,琉森交响乐团,波恩贝多芬 交响乐团,卑尔根爱乐乐团等。

       如今本·克鲁奇利任职于圣塞西莉亚剧院,琉森交响乐团以及加拿大歌剧院担任钢琴独奏家。他 在当代音乐领域拥有十分丰富的经验,参加了许多世界首演。除此之外他在歌剧领域也颇有成就, 他曾在加拿大巴洛克歌剧院的多部作品中担任指挥和伴奏。2011 年在多伦多夏季歌剧抒情剧院 中的《卡门》和《人生短暂》的演出中担任指挥。2010-2014 年《乐队的仁慈》《唐·乔凡尼》 《费加罗的婚礼》担任指挥,2013-2014 年歌剧《阿米达》《阿琪娜》的指挥。

       除了钢琴演奏方面,本·克鲁奇利也是一位出色的钢琴教育家,他于多伦多格伦古尔德担任钢琴 教授,西班牙巴达洛纳音乐学院担任钢琴讲师教授钢琴专业硕士课程。


Pianist Ben Crutchley was born in Toronto, Canada, on April 21, 1986. He graduated from St. Cecilia College in Italy and University of Montreal in Canada. His performances of "very distinctive", "charming" and "always exciting" attracted worldwide audiences.

In his piano career, he won various awards in International Piano competitions. For example, the first place in the Toronto Piano Festival in Canada in 2012, the second place in the Montreal Piano Competition in 2014, the first place in the Beethoven International Piano Competition in Bonn, Germany in 2015, and the special prize in the Greg International Piano Competition in 2016.

His performances are all over the world. He is the guest of many famous concert halls in the world. Often, it is difficult to get a ticket. For example, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Hall, Berlin Concert Hall, Vienna Golden Hall, Vienna National Theatre, Rome Concert Hall, Toronto Concert Hall and so on. At the same time, he is a resident piano soloist of many famous international Symphony orchestras. The symphony orchestras he works with include Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra, Canadian Opera Symphony Orchestra, Estonia and Narva Philharmonic Orchestra, Ryusen Symphony Orchestra, Bonn Beethoven Symphony Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, etc.

Today Ben Crutchley is a piano soloist at the San Cecilia Theatre, the Ryusen Symphony Orchestra and the Canadian Opera House. He has rich experience in contemporary music and has participated in many world premieres. In addition to his achievements in the field of opera, he has been a conductor and accompanist in many works of the Baroque Opera House in Canada. In 2011, he was the conductor of Carmen and Short Life at the Toronto Summer Opera Lyric Theatre. In 2010-2014, "The Mercy of the Band", "Don Giovanni", "The Wedding of Figaro" served as conductor, and in 2013-2014, the operas "Amida" and "Angela" were directed.

In addition to piano performance, Ben Crutchley is also an outstanding piano educator. He is a Piano Professor in Glenn Gould, Toronto, and a piano lecturer in Badalona Conservatory of Music, Spain, who teaches master's piano courses.


