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哈罗德小课堂 | 钢琴演奏的三个基本技巧

时间:2019-06-10 来源:哈罗德

Whenever I meet new students, the first thing I do is listen to them play. Then I ask them a critical question, “Has anyone ever taught you how to practice?” One of the most important things a teacher can share with a student is how to practice. A teacher might be absolutely brilliant but their time with a student is very limited (typically an hour a week or less). The student’s progress is determined by what they do the other six days of the week. Effective practice is critically important. 


哈罗德小课堂 | 钢琴演奏的三个基本技巧

The first skill that any pianist needs to learn is memorization. With some instruments, you can actually play and look at the music the entire time. With the piano and other instruments, there is certain music that forces you to look at your hands (specifically music with big leaps). The complexity of some scores necessitates memorization.


哈罗德小课堂 | 钢琴演奏的三个基本技巧

The second skill that is essential to playing the piano is sightreading. Being able to read through music casually is not only incredibly helpful, it’s fun being able to explore new music and to play with other musicians! However, you must not confuse sightreading with practicing. If you keep sightreading through a piece again and again with mistakes, you are practicing mistakes. Mistakes are very difficult to correct when they become ingrained in this manner. So be sure you are clear if you are sightreading or practicing. 弹钢琴的


哈罗德小课堂 | 钢琴演奏的三个基本技巧

The third skill is one that many accomplished, classical musicians overlook – improvisation. Improvising (or playing by ear) is not only fun but absolutely essential in progressing as a musician. Many types of music from jazz, rock, blues, gospel, country, new age and others – all absolutely require improvisation to play correctly. Playing with other musicians, making up pieces on your own, learning how a song or piece is composed and created are all enhanced by the development of musical improvisation.

